Virtual Historical Museum

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Civic Responsibility
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The six Goals of the constitution

1. To form a more perfect Union.

2. To establish justice.

3. To insure domestic tranquility.

4. To provide for the common defense.

5. To promote the general welfare.

6. To secure the blessings of liberty.

Principles of the Constutution
1.Popular Sovereignty- Political Theory that the government is subject to the will of the people.

2.Limited Government- Restricted the goernment's authority to specific powers granted by the people.

3.Federalism- Shared power between the state and federal government.

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Three powers of the Constitution

1.Enumerated power- Powers only belonging to the federal government.

2.Reserved power- Powers retained by the states.

3.Concurrent power- Powers shared by the stste and federal government.

The Declaration of Independence

1.Preamble- The beginning of the Decleration of Independence.

2.Declaration of Natural Rights- States that if the government does not serve its purpose, the people have a right to abolish it.

3.List of Grievences- Lists the Injustice of George III.

4.Resolution of Independence of the United States- Declares Independence of Great Britain.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King was one of the greatest activist of all time. It is because of him that discrimination of any kind was banned from all public places and employment.
